General Information:
Welcome to the Prince William County Public Schools portal for online Specialty Program applications. When completing an application for your student, please note that a separate application must be submitted for each student. All PWCS specialty programs are geographically zoned. Students may submit applications for 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice programs in their zoned areas. Duplicate applications for the same choice program will be eliminated- the more recent submission will be kept. Incomplete applications will not be evaluated.
All applications will be processed electronically. All requests will be checked for accuracy. Any falsification of information may result in your application not being processed and/or denied.
We now require that Parents/Guardians create an account in order to complete an application. Use this page to either create a new account, or log in to an existing account. Only one account per family is required.
*Please also note that this website is optimized for IE 10.0 and higher, Safari, Chrome and Firefox.
Option #1
If you have not created an account:
- Choose 'Create Account' button below.
- Complete the Guardian Demographic Questionnaire.
- Login to the Family Dashboard.
- Add your student(s) to your Family Dashboard Account.
- Complete an application.
Option #2
If you already have an account:
- Login to the Family Dashboard.
- Complete an application.
⚠️ Important
If you have not yet created an account in the Family Dashboard, you must create an account to continue.
How-To Videos:
In-Person Available Specialty Programs:
Prince William County offers three types of Specialty Programs:
Transfer Programs - Students who apply to and are accepted into transfer programs will attend the program school full time. Students who enter these programs are considered full time students in that school.
Transport Programs - Student who apply to and are accepted into transport programs attend the program for part of the day and attend their base school for the other part of the day.
Site-Based Programs - Site-based programs are located at a student’s base school. Students may not transfer for a site-based program if one exists in their school.
District Information:
Office of Advanced Academics and Specialty Programs
Office of Career and Technical Education
District Business Hours:
Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Technical Support:
Scribbles Software, LLC
Email: help@scribsoft.com
Technical Support Business Hours:
Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM